If you have a little one with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or sensory needs, you may be curious to know what items are most recommended by Occupational Therapist’s who create sensory diets for children who need sensory input. For an extensive website on everything sensory, please check out the Sensory Processing Disorder Website. As we have worked for many years with a variety of clients who have varying degrees of sensory needs, we have found these to be the most effective. Below are 7 of our favorite items that are economical and user friendly to most families.
A swing which is easily assembled and installed in a home door frame is an easy way to calm a child who is out of sorts.
1. LaSiesta Joki Crows Nest Soft Hammock Fabric Swing
You may also enjoy reading a book byAngie Voss, OTR entitled Understanding your Child’s Sensory Signals: APractical Daily Use Guide for Parents and Teachers.
2. An Indoor Trampoline
As your child ages, you may find a full size outdoor trampoline is more conducive to their size and weight.
3. A Sit and Spin
4. A Sensory Seat
5. A Sensory Brush for use with the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol
6. The Ark Grabber
For the most vigorous of chewers, ARK offers the XXT (extra, extra tough) blue grabber!